so far, this year, my kids school has held an indian day, african day and a chinese day. They all had to go to school dressed up and would learn about the different religions and taste different foods etc. If our kids are willing to do that then why can't they learn about their OWN english traditions at christmas time in case they cause offence???
in my opinion if English children are expected, and happily learn about other religions, then why shouldn't they be able to do a traditional nativity play in thier own school, in thier OWN country??
are we losing our identity? or are people from other religions and countries stealing it??
BTW our kids are doing a play called "manger mouse" where they have to sing about mice and stuff. i know, it's ridiculous.
Nativity plays? why can't our kids act out this tradition at Christmas?opera ticket
You're confusing nationality with religion. Learning about India, China and Africa is much different than learning about religions. Are your children also being asked to participate in Hannukah or Kwanzaa plays? If so, I would complain that they aren't being allowed a Christmas play. But if no religious services are being held, then comparing a lesson on nationalities to a lesson on religions is comparing apples and oranges.
Nativity plays? why can't our kids act out this tradition at Christmas?pacific theater opera theater
I don't agree with teaching any religion in schools. But if they do it should be the religion their culture is based on - christianity
Children are too young to hold beliefs about god
Amen! I can remember in high school years ago over 20 in the choir we sang Christmas Carols. The public school does not do that anymore. The Christians are being discriminated for sure. By the way the Nativity is history.
White / Christians / middle aged males / straight people have no rights in this country, even if they are the majority.
We have to worry about hurting someone's feelings.
Instead of complaining on YA, start a petition and get this school to change its evil ways.
Go and see the schools head about it - thats what I did. However I will say be prepared for a tough fight coz I got thrown out first time for being racist (I wasnt I merely raised the same questions as you have). In the end although I'm not religous I made a point of teaching my daughter the basics of the Christian faith by buying her a bible story book and taking her to church. I think its very wrong what has happened to this country and how we bend over backwrds so as not to offend other races while our own goes down the pan xxxx
Sorry i didn`t realise they couldn`t not having children at school now. It`s ridiculous and i agree with you they should be allowed if they have done it for other religions. Political correctness has gone way over the top. Maybe you and some other parents should get together, form an action group and fight it, it might do some good definitely worth a try...
When I was in elementary school in the early-mid 60s, we still said a morning prayer and the pledge of allegience. Our teacher had one of us lead a short prayer they taught us before lunch.
In the 70s, when I was in high school, there were already teachers who were self-styled free-thinkers who pretended questioning everything to the extent that you believed in nothing and trusted nothing was important. But they weren't broadminded. They were confused by the times and not equipped with the personal values to see them through it.
Today, I see the slide into navel-gazing and "I feel" just continuing. People who have nothing have nothing to lose; people who have no beliefs don't understand what they are losing, namely their souls.
They still do in most schools.
Yes you are losing your identity, the minute you talk about ENGLISH kids and ignore the rest of the UK, it is obvious you choose to "go it alone"
Best of luck!
You're not allowed to have a nativity play but you can put together halloween pictures and models and stuff. So you're allowed to worship the devil at school but not the other end of the spectrum.
It's sad that Christianity is being kicked out of school while foreign "cultures" are being embraced.
"in my opinion if English children are expected, and happily learn about other religions, then why shouldn't they be able to do a traditional nativity play in thier own school, in thier OWN country??"
You hit the nail on the head, no need to ask for answers.
Yeah I agree, I think it's really important for kids to learn about other religions, my daughter was on a school trip to a mosque on Tuesday, saying that though I think it's just as important for kids of other religions to learn about Christianity!
they still do a proper nativity play at my little boys school. (wont say where it is lol dont want any of the pc brigade turning up)
edit: manger mouse? could you just imagine the uproar at a non christian school if they had something like mohammed mouse as a name for a play?
ya at the CHRISTMAS program at my school a few years ago, we were all singing hanukkah (i dont know how to spell that)and kwanzaa (or that) songs! and we actually didnt know what any of it was!! it seemed like actually only the k5 kids were singing christmas songs!
Because rediculously politically correct fool got involved.
Education is in the grip of the Politically Correct brigade. I think that says it all
I know, it's rediculous isn't it? We are in the UK, our heritage is predominantly Christian and the festivities for Christmas have been with us for generations. So for goodness sake, in all schools, celebrate the origin of Christmas in the way it should be celebrated ie with a nativity play depicting the story of the birth of Jesus.
I doubt if any other religious sector would have any legitimate grounds for protesting about this. If they do, then that is their problem. In the meantime, bring on the crib, beg or borrow a doll (to be baby Jesus), cut a few sheets up and add a couple of teatowells, dress the children as angels and the Holy Family, and sing Christmas Carols.
Ooooh, don't get me started!
It has gotten out of hand ... the school now has a Winter Concert ... ok I can deal with that, they sing chanuka, kwanza,
and even a mexican (sorry don't know the holiday) songs. And they did sing a "traditional" christmas song - and I can't remember the title but after the concert I went home to look it up and it was written in the late 1800's, so it's a classic too. The reason I was curious was because I heard comments made about the "religious" song that was being sung at the time ... and how wrong it was! As a society we're definitely setting ourselves up for a poor future ... instead of embracing and respecting each other, we're dividing and losing ourselves and what's worse we're passing it on to the young ones to accept nothing.
Learning about other cultures and religions is different then doing a play based one ONE faith. I suggest sending your children to religion school and stop accusing the rest of the planet of taking anything away from you.
Luckily enough the school where my children go (and where i am doing my training) are putting together a nativity and its sooooo nice. Every parent in school have been commenting on how glad there are they their children are learning about the story of Jesus birth. Like you said they also learn and celebrate other religions so i think its only fair that they learn about Christianity. Finger crossed they are not going to go all politically correct on us any time soon as it would be a big shame as no one has actually got any complaints about it they are actually doing the opposite. I would also like to add that its a mainstream school and not a catholic one.
We are losing our identity because we aren't standing up for our beliefs. Madeline O'Hara (spelling?) started it all. I remember in elementary school we had a play one time with the manger scene in it but thanks to her and other athiests like her God isn't even allowed in schools or other places because it might "offend" someone. Well I say it's time for us Christians to take a stand for God and start offending the others if we must. Why put God and Christianity on the back burner just because they are offensive to others? CHRISTIANS UNITE!!!!! If I offend others, then Oh Well!!!
my daughter has only ever done one nativity play at school that was when she was in nursery...she is now in year two and we have babushka and this year we have michaelmas nuts!
I think it crazy! We are very tolerant towards other religions.
the problem is that in this country we don't have a strong enough christian following. Its ok to be a Hindu, but you get laughed at for being a "bible basher!".
If someone calls themselves a Muslims they are likely to go to the mosque every Friday and be practising, but being a Christian is a lot more relaxed and a lot of them hardly go to church.
Therefore it harder to in force christian ideals. we shouldn't be less tolerant but we had to form a strong Christian Identity for the UK or will be swallowed up by other religions.
We only have ourselves to blame.
i'm in the U.S. and i no longer consider myself a 'christian' but i do whole-heartedly agree with you on this issue. it's the same here, and at one time i was a 'born-again christian' and got really tired of this attitude that all other cultures and religions took precidence over christianity. i think it's fine to teach about other cultures %26amp; religions (as long as the religion portion is in a cultural context) but if they're going to do that, they DO need to include 'anglo' cultures %26amp; religions as well. they say or imply they're looking for 'fairness' to the others, but it seems in reality they're looking for superiority for them, doesn't it????
I think it is totally rediculus too!! When i was at school we ALWAYS done the nativity and every one always wanted to mary or Joseph (i got to be mary twice!).
I was reading an article a couple of months ago about other religions in the UK saying we should either play down Christmas or Play up all the other religious festivals which i think is rediculas! The UK is prodominatly Christian. If we went to live in another country where christmas wasnt celebrated we would not expect them to play it up for us or for them to play down their own religious festivals!!
Anyway rant over lol!!
I would just like to make it clear that i think every religion has the right to celebrate their festivals as they see fit, but please dont expect a christian country not to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Merry Christmas.
I am not religious and all for kids learning about other beliefs and cultures, but think it is sick to expect those who believe in Christianity to be deprived of what when I was a kid was all part of the fun. Tell you what get together and hire a small venue or use one of your own lounges to do just that and teach the message of love to all in your own manner to your children, and blessings and love to all people everywhere say I.
love from happyduckychristmas! .x.
our children did there christmas concert this week they did the all different things the reception children(my little girl) did caroll singing they had dancing snowmen dancing angels and at the end they did the nativity it was really good i was really impressed
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