Thursday, December 10, 2009

8 month kitten plays too rough with new 5 week old kitten?

Hi, I have a 8 month kitten and just recently brought a new 5 week kitten into the house.. at first my old kitten (Roma) didnt like the new one (Luna), but its been 4 days and now she wants to play with the new arrival, the only problem is that she's never played with another cat since she was about 6 weeks old, and she's playing o hard with the little one, what can i do to get her to stop hitting her like she's the same size?

8 month kitten plays too rough with new 5 week old kitten?opera singer

5 weeks is too young for the kitten to be away from their littermates and mother. kittens should be with their mother minium 8-12 weeks. you should have supervised visits and keep an eye on things. best bet is to bring the kitten back to the mother for a few more weeks when it can be socialized better.

8 month kitten plays too rough with new 5 week old kitten?amc theater opera theater

let them fight the young one will soon learn to play rough all cats do it
You are not suppose to have an 5 week old kitten.
Seperate them! and by the way a 5 week old kitten should still be with it's mother. But yeah just seperate them and if the big one still does it spray her with a water bottle.
Like the others have said, 5 weeks is too young for the kitten to be away from its mother. Hopefully you will be able to take the kitten back to its mother for another couple of weeks. If that's not possible, then you will just have to keep an eye on them. Use a squirt bottle if your 8 month old looks like she's hurting the kitten. Otherwise, its perfectly normal for cats to play this way.

Please consider taking that poor kitten back to its mother.
Thats playing.....those are the best cat years.....get involved in the play and watch out for scratching and biting.

I supose that both cats have their respective vaccines up to date.....right?

Specially leukemia and FIV

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