Saturday, December 5, 2009

Husband plays video Games any time he's not at Work!?

Alright , we got back together after a six month seperation ( long story) and things were going really well . But Now all he wants to do is play video games. We make good money and anything extra after bills seems to go to his hobby. He has every single new game system and game that comes out. I am a attractive, smart women with goals and dreams. I don't know what he is doing. He gets mad if I ask him to stop playing. He has even gone so far as to get our kids into this. I don't know if I am making a big deal out of this. But what do you think? Ladies how would you feel?

Husband plays video Games any time he's not at Work!?headache

don't use words use actions. force him to divert his attention away from those games by doing something sexy. before he gets on to his game kick for the day. go over to him and give him a nice massage slow and deep. let your hands linger down his arms. then whisper (sexy) telling him how much you couldn 't stop thinking of him while he was away (at work). tell him what you were thinking while he was gone. then, give him a quick massage on the shoulders again. tell, him i'm sooo glad that you are home. give him a kiss.

i think doing this several time during the time that both of you are in each others presence is exciting for the both of you. he'll be so head thrown that he won't be able to think straight when playing the game. at night. he will be set to go. if you know what i mean.

it's not always about sex. it's about giving your man attention. guys like it when you SOMETIMES give loads of syrupy attention. Don't smother him. doing it too much spoils them. for sure. and when you do do it. he will appriciate it all the more.

you can make him his favorite meal. let him know it was made out of love just for him. again act super sexy. you don't have to dress provocitivly but, on your blouse you can leave an extra button undone so he has something to look at while he eats. LOL.

i know that your a smart upstanding women. but i don't think it would be beneath you to act a little provocatively. it wont hurt to lead him to beleive that he's the MAN and your the grateful women. that's hard for some women but, it's sexy and works.

as far as your kids or the family at whole. i think if you guys have enough money then why not once a week do something fun out side the house. something big that all of you would like. so when you do put your foot down with the rules (no games all the time) then it wont hurt them too much.

good luck

Husband plays video Games any time he's not at Work!?paramount theater opera theater

i would feel upset and feel that he needs to grow up and pay attention to realtiy
I'd dump him...he won't grow up and you can't change have a life to live, so do it.
this is what happens when you marry your children
lol yea you must be real attractive.....he picks games over you.
Some people are just into this. Try this: get interested in it and learn to play competitive games and kick his ****. You can make deals like "if i win tonight, you give me a massage" or something. My fiance and I play nintendo EVERY night before bed and its our ultimate bonding time. You gotta do some things that make him happy too and in this case, this is his hobby. Join in and have some fun and maybe him seeing you doing so will sink in and make him realize he should be doing some other things with you and the family.
The guy is a LOSER.

L - O - S - E - R.

Leave him.
well i doubt this will ever stop. its an addiction just like any other. so i would say if you cant beat em join em. who knows you might actually have fun. if not well then you have a serious problem.
why dont you slip into something sexy and stand in front of the tv, see if that gets his mind off of it. If that doesnt work take care of business in front of him and see if that works. I fthat doesnt work leave him to his game and get a new hobby. Welcome to marriage!
ok vdieo games r noemal to play after a work day just let him play. he wont stop. try and get into games . i know that he loves you but everyone gets mad if u stop them from playing a game
my husband does the same and so do i join in the fun there are a lot of great PC and console games out there. maybe since you were seperated already b4 there is another issue. besides he is spending time w/the kids. that is admirable at least he didnt kick them out of the room and ignore them.
I think he needs to be treated like a child if he's going to act like one. Maybe you could discuss limiting his time in front of the game.... just like you'd do with your kid.

I feel for you.... I don't think you are overreacting. That must be horrible.
Talk to him, If he doesn't listen and only worrys about pleasing him self and spending no money on you, then you should go find a gentleman and dump him
No offense, but he sounds like a loser. I grew out of video games already, and I'm a 21 year old male. It's fine to play the occasional video game and whatnot, but to make it your only hobby??

Tell him to pick up the guitar or something more useful.
Ooooh there is DEFINATELY more to life than that!

Sorry, but that really sucks.....he needs an eye opener!
Tell him he is either married to you or married to the video games. Tell him to pick one or the other and give him 10 seconds to decide. If he hems and haws and makes a fuss, file for divorce.
my bf plays video games alot to. We broke up for three months and he decided his comp won't keep him warm at night. It is not a good thing that he is getting ur kids into it. Its an addicting habit. You need to tell him its causing problems in ur relationship or let him only play a certain amount of time. It sounds childish but he is acting like a child he needs to get back to reality or he will lose you
Well, it depends. How bad is the problem? Is it even a problem or are you just feeling neglected? I don't think there's anything wrong with him playing them as long as that's not ALL he's doing and he's still playing his part in the family/as your partner. He needs to find a balance and make sure he is taking care of everything else before he wastes hours on the games.
It's really annoying and I'd go mad if I were in your shoes... but it's his hobby and maybe you should accept that... especially that you're making good money so he's not doing it on behalf of the responsibility of the household.
I know how I felt.

4 years of EverQuest.

When it came to "The GAME or ME", he chose me.. but with much resentment..and anger..and he went through withdrawal that eventually ended the marriage.

If he can't pick on his own, it's time to leave him alone.

and I'm not one to give up easily.

treat it like any other addiction. He has to figure out what is more important and fix it.

no, it's NOT just like watching TV .. he's not better because he's not at the bars or out with the boys. He is addicted, and it needs to be fixed, or you need to move on, or you need to understand that the addiction is more important than anything else and you'll have to live with that.

that's tough love...I hate it as much as you.
He's not acting like how he shud at all.. that just sucks! You shudn't tolerate that, he's grown up man, for goodness sake!..=(
Video games are fun! They provide a way for him to unwind after work. Although, you should suggest to him that there are times for video games and times for other stuff (fun stuff!). Suggest going out sometimes. If you go to a pool hall, there will be fun things to do and it is an enjoyable time.

If he still doesn't want to stop, start playing with him. I would suggest getting a Wii. It is easier for a person with no video game skills to pick up, and it's a lot of fun. Plus, you can think of it as exercise. So, you have fun spending time with your man and you get a workout.
at least he is at home... with you and the kids and not out and about at the bars.... guys have their thing girls have theirs.
I play with my husband.

FFXI ftw
I *totally* know what you're going through! My DH also makes a good salary, but as soon as he comes home he's on his PC game (its one of the MMORPGs). It is very frustrating - not that he's spending time upstairs on the computer, but that it doesn't seem to be a very intellectual thing to do! Also, I think that things around the house that he generally would fix or maintain get neglected... as if he has more pride in being an officer in the "kinship" (like a guild) than he does in having a well-maintained home.

I am fortunate that if I tell him I don't want him to play, he won't (unless he's playing in a big group raid - then I'm SOL). But I still don't like it b/c like I said before, it doesn't seem like a very wise use of free time.

It IS a big deal, because it is affecting your relationship negatively. With the kids, be sure to limit their time on the games, or they'll get sucked in just like he is. Sorry you're going through this. Feel free to e-mail if you need to chat more about it. :-(
go out and buy some camping or fishing gear for the whole family. just get them out of the house and do something together that is not attached to cables and a controller.

that is really no way to live when there is so much out there to see and do that is real.

best of luck.
Depends on how much he does it. This stuff can get pretty addictive. If it's more then like an hour-and- a-half a day, I'd be concerned. If it's less then, come on, can a guy have a hobby :)
Your husband sounds like my older brother. My brother does nothing but play video games. He still lives with our parents, he has no job and only helps around the house if he's forced to. He spends all is money and all his time on video games. It isn't a hobby, it's an addiction. I used to actively play video games, but I stopped because I realized that there were better things to do with my time and that I was just wasting away when I played them.

I think it's terrible for children to play video games. You shouldn't let your husband teach them to play them. It's not good for them and they could easily become addicted to the games as well.

If I was you, I would sell all of his game systems and video games. He would be incredibly pissed off, but it's for the best.
my husband is a video game aholic also. its never been a big issue in our house because i know that this is something he likes. and when I started playing games with him, that just gave us one more thing to bond over.

now sometimes our kids get mad because we'll take a game system out the family room and lock ourselves in our bedroom and play together.

I say join him. this is not really that serious. and who knows, you just might like it.
Ask him if he could put aside a time during the week for his games, or give you a day to be together.

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