Thursday, December 10, 2009

Who plays neopets? what is your user name?favorite?

i play neopets my user name is princessroseflower77 also i have a bank that has 124105 neopoints. also if you don't think jelly world is real is real! here is the place thats jelly world i saw it from a user look up. any way the best answer is the one who gives the most info. why do i want to know the info? here is why: i want to tell you some secrets and learn more about neopets and learn more about you! anyway my favorite neopets is this pteri

also if you don't play the is the website ok i will love to hear your things.

Who plays neopets? what is your user name?favorite?globe theater

Well, My username is Masiq. I love dubloons. MY favourite neopet is the Kougra. MY second favourite is the techo. I'm trying to collect 50 dubloons and then i am going to train my pet in the Academy in Krawk Island. I love making money, and chatting with friends. I participated in the Altador Cup this year but my team didnt make it. I was supporting Lost Desert. I have gotton frozen for a lot of mistakes so MAsiq is my newest account. My old ones that i forgot the password to are aneeq_qasim and master_mind500. I would love to be neofriends with you! Anyways, i have been playing neopets for about 3-4 years now. I a have a friend who has been playing for 2 years and his username is sorce726. His favouraite neopet is the hissi. Well, Thats all i got. I think :) lol

Who plays neopets? what is your user name?favorite?oper opera theater

OMG the pteri is my favourite neopet too!!!!

mi user name is cockatiel_naranja

i would really like to get to know u!

mi pteri is yellow.

hope this is good for you! :)

Three Plays by Kaufman and Hart: Once in a Lifetime; You Can't Take It with You; The Man Who Ca

Is this book the actually play scripts or are they just a synopsis of each play?

Three Plays by Kaufman and Hart: Once in a Lifetime; You Can't Take It with You; The Man Who Came to Dinner?state theatre

It had better hold the play scripts, or you are out of luck in the laughter department.

Remember the humor may be a little dated by now, but they were a great and funny writing team, classic.

And it doesn't take long to read a play, so go for it!

Three Plays by Kaufman and Hart: Once in a Lifetime; You Can't Take It with You; The Man Who Came to Dinner?theater opera theater

It sounds like they are the scripts to me. Check with It should tell you for sure. Pax - C
Hopefully, the plays. These are three all time funny funny funny classics by the best writing team in history .... you are very lucky to ahve them.
These are the actual plays

Who plays the police officer in Men in Trees? What sitcom was she in?

We're going nuts because she looks so familiar, and we can't remember what show she played in. We can't find anything about her in the cast listings of the show. She play's Patrick's mother and is either a cop or a forest ranger.

Who plays the police officer in Men in Trees? What sitcom was she in?paramount theater

Cynthia Stevenson

Most recently she was the mom on "Dead Like Me"

Who plays the police officer in Men in Trees? What sitcom was she in?theatre opera theater

I don't know who you are talking about but IMDB might help
I know how you feel - I just saw a rerun of the pilot tonight and I wondered the same thing - she is so familiar but I can't place her either - I truly hope someone has the answer - I will keep checking your question!!! :)
Cynthia Stevenson
Don't know. But that is going to be a great series. Love it! Thank-You ABC for giving us something good to watch on Friday nights!

Nativity plays? why can't our kids act out this tradition at Christmas?

so far, this year, my kids school has held an indian day, african day and a chinese day. They all had to go to school dressed up and would learn about the different religions and taste different foods etc. If our kids are willing to do that then why can't they learn about their OWN english traditions at christmas time in case they cause offence???

in my opinion if English children are expected, and happily learn about other religions, then why shouldn't they be able to do a traditional nativity play in thier own school, in thier OWN country??

are we losing our identity? or are people from other religions and countries stealing it??

BTW our kids are doing a play called "manger mouse" where they have to sing about mice and stuff. i know, it's ridiculous.

Nativity plays? why can't our kids act out this tradition at Christmas?opera ticket

You're confusing nationality with religion. Learning about India, China and Africa is much different than learning about religions. Are your children also being asked to participate in Hannukah or Kwanzaa plays? If so, I would complain that they aren't being allowed a Christmas play. But if no religious services are being held, then comparing a lesson on nationalities to a lesson on religions is comparing apples and oranges.

Nativity plays? why can't our kids act out this tradition at Christmas?pacific theater opera theater

I don't agree with teaching any religion in schools. But if they do it should be the religion their culture is based on - christianity

Children are too young to hold beliefs about god
Amen! I can remember in high school years ago over 20 in the choir we sang Christmas Carols. The public school does not do that anymore. The Christians are being discriminated for sure. By the way the Nativity is history.
White / Christians / middle aged males / straight people have no rights in this country, even if they are the majority.

We have to worry about hurting someone's feelings.

Instead of complaining on YA, start a petition and get this school to change its evil ways.
Go and see the schools head about it - thats what I did. However I will say be prepared for a tough fight coz I got thrown out first time for being racist (I wasnt I merely raised the same questions as you have). In the end although I'm not religous I made a point of teaching my daughter the basics of the Christian faith by buying her a bible story book and taking her to church. I think its very wrong what has happened to this country and how we bend over backwrds so as not to offend other races while our own goes down the pan xxxx
Sorry i didn`t realise they couldn`t not having children at school now. It`s ridiculous and i agree with you they should be allowed if they have done it for other religions. Political correctness has gone way over the top. Maybe you and some other parents should get together, form an action group and fight it, it might do some good definitely worth a try...
When I was in elementary school in the early-mid 60s, we still said a morning prayer and the pledge of allegience. Our teacher had one of us lead a short prayer they taught us before lunch.

In the 70s, when I was in high school, there were already teachers who were self-styled free-thinkers who pretended questioning everything to the extent that you believed in nothing and trusted nothing was important. But they weren't broadminded. They were confused by the times and not equipped with the personal values to see them through it.

Today, I see the slide into navel-gazing and "I feel" just continuing. People who have nothing have nothing to lose; people who have no beliefs don't understand what they are losing, namely their souls.

They still do in most schools.
Yes you are losing your identity, the minute you talk about ENGLISH kids and ignore the rest of the UK, it is obvious you choose to "go it alone"

Best of luck!
You're not allowed to have a nativity play but you can put together halloween pictures and models and stuff. So you're allowed to worship the devil at school but not the other end of the spectrum.

It's sad that Christianity is being kicked out of school while foreign "cultures" are being embraced.

"in my opinion if English children are expected, and happily learn about other religions, then why shouldn't they be able to do a traditional nativity play in thier own school, in thier OWN country??"

You hit the nail on the head, no need to ask for answers.
Yeah I agree, I think it's really important for kids to learn about other religions, my daughter was on a school trip to a mosque on Tuesday, saying that though I think it's just as important for kids of other religions to learn about Christianity!
they still do a proper nativity play at my little boys school. (wont say where it is lol dont want any of the pc brigade turning up)

edit: manger mouse? could you just imagine the uproar at a non christian school if they had something like mohammed mouse as a name for a play?
ya at the CHRISTMAS program at my school a few years ago, we were all singing hanukkah (i dont know how to spell that)and kwanzaa (or that) songs! and we actually didnt know what any of it was!! it seemed like actually only the k5 kids were singing christmas songs!
Because rediculously politically correct fool got involved.
Education is in the grip of the Politically Correct brigade. I think that says it all
I know, it's rediculous isn't it? We are in the UK, our heritage is predominantly Christian and the festivities for Christmas have been with us for generations. So for goodness sake, in all schools, celebrate the origin of Christmas in the way it should be celebrated ie with a nativity play depicting the story of the birth of Jesus.

I doubt if any other religious sector would have any legitimate grounds for protesting about this. If they do, then that is their problem. In the meantime, bring on the crib, beg or borrow a doll (to be baby Jesus), cut a few sheets up and add a couple of teatowells, dress the children as angels and the Holy Family, and sing Christmas Carols.

Ooooh, don't get me started!
It has gotten out of hand ... the school now has a Winter Concert ... ok I can deal with that, they sing chanuka, kwanza,

and even a mexican (sorry don't know the holiday) songs. And they did sing a "traditional" christmas song - and I can't remember the title but after the concert I went home to look it up and it was written in the late 1800's, so it's a classic too. The reason I was curious was because I heard comments made about the "religious" song that was being sung at the time ... and how wrong it was! As a society we're definitely setting ourselves up for a poor future ... instead of embracing and respecting each other, we're dividing and losing ourselves and what's worse we're passing it on to the young ones to accept nothing.
Learning about other cultures and religions is different then doing a play based one ONE faith. I suggest sending your children to religion school and stop accusing the rest of the planet of taking anything away from you.
Luckily enough the school where my children go (and where i am doing my training) are putting together a nativity and its sooooo nice. Every parent in school have been commenting on how glad there are they their children are learning about the story of Jesus birth. Like you said they also learn and celebrate other religions so i think its only fair that they learn about Christianity. Finger crossed they are not going to go all politically correct on us any time soon as it would be a big shame as no one has actually got any complaints about it they are actually doing the opposite. I would also like to add that its a mainstream school and not a catholic one.
We are losing our identity because we aren't standing up for our beliefs. Madeline O'Hara (spelling?) started it all. I remember in elementary school we had a play one time with the manger scene in it but thanks to her and other athiests like her God isn't even allowed in schools or other places because it might "offend" someone. Well I say it's time for us Christians to take a stand for God and start offending the others if we must. Why put God and Christianity on the back burner just because they are offensive to others? CHRISTIANS UNITE!!!!! If I offend others, then Oh Well!!!
my daughter has only ever done one nativity play at school that was when she was in nursery...she is now in year two and we have babushka and this year we have michaelmas nuts!
I think it crazy! We are very tolerant towards other religions.

the problem is that in this country we don't have a strong enough christian following. Its ok to be a Hindu, but you get laughed at for being a "bible basher!".

If someone calls themselves a Muslims they are likely to go to the mosque every Friday and be practising, but being a Christian is a lot more relaxed and a lot of them hardly go to church.

Therefore it harder to in force christian ideals. we shouldn't be less tolerant but we had to form a strong Christian Identity for the UK or will be swallowed up by other religions.

We only have ourselves to blame.
i'm in the U.S. and i no longer consider myself a 'christian' but i do whole-heartedly agree with you on this issue. it's the same here, and at one time i was a 'born-again christian' and got really tired of this attitude that all other cultures and religions took precidence over christianity. i think it's fine to teach about other cultures %26amp; religions (as long as the religion portion is in a cultural context) but if they're going to do that, they DO need to include 'anglo' cultures %26amp; religions as well. they say or imply they're looking for 'fairness' to the others, but it seems in reality they're looking for superiority for them, doesn't it????
I think it is totally rediculus too!! When i was at school we ALWAYS done the nativity and every one always wanted to mary or Joseph (i got to be mary twice!).

I was reading an article a couple of months ago about other religions in the UK saying we should either play down Christmas or Play up all the other religious festivals which i think is rediculas! The UK is prodominatly Christian. If we went to live in another country where christmas wasnt celebrated we would not expect them to play it up for us or for them to play down their own religious festivals!!

Anyway rant over lol!!

I would just like to make it clear that i think every religion has the right to celebrate their festivals as they see fit, but please dont expect a christian country not to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Merry Christmas.
I am not religious and all for kids learning about other beliefs and cultures, but think it is sick to expect those who believe in Christianity to be deprived of what when I was a kid was all part of the fun. Tell you what get together and hire a small venue or use one of your own lounges to do just that and teach the message of love to all in your own manner to your children, and blessings and love to all people everywhere say I.

love from happyduckychristmas! .x.
our children did there christmas concert this week they did the all different things the reception children(my little girl) did caroll singing they had dancing snowmen dancing angels and at the end they did the nativity it was really good i was really impressed

Who plays Duplicate Bridge and do you enjoy it?

I'm also curious if you are learning to play and are over 50, or under 30. I'm trying to learn it well enough to start playing tournament and I'm in my 60's.

Who plays Duplicate Bridge and do you enjoy it?home theater system

I've played duplicate bridge since I was 10 years old (I'm 45 now) and I love it. There are games available for beginners as well as experienced players, and multiple places online for people of all skill levels to play and enjoy both duplicate and rubber bridge.

I'm a player and teacher from Long Island. I give lessons at local clubs, and online. If you're interested in either, and would like more information, please feel free to contact me at

In any case, have a great day!

Who plays Duplicate Bridge and do you enjoy it?the grand theater opera theaterI am a Director and American Bridge Association teacher in the Washington, D.C. where there are thousands of players of all skill levels. If you live in this area, contact me. Report It

Who plays World of Warcraft???

tell me if you play wow, i have 2 regular characters that i play , one on the server sargeres as an ally night elf druid named Seln, and one on the server wildhammer as a horde named Dwin.

Who plays World of Warcraft???violin

Sadly no one will answer yes to this, because they are all off playing World of Warcraft every second of the day and have no time for Yahoo Answers.

Who plays World of Warcraft???chinese theater opera theater

i have wow, but dont have an account. im going to get mine back in like 2 weeks though. rogues are my favorite, followed by mages.

Who plays violin and if you do tell me how well you play?

i play perfect

Who plays violin and if you do tell me how well you play?sunshine

I have been playing since I was 6 and now I am 14 so I play damn good

Who plays violin and if you do tell me how well you play?star theater opera theater

I dont play violin....NOT.
i played for 5 years...i was pretty good.
No - I dont play violin.
I've been playing for 10 years now and I think I play resonably well. I am about Grade 8 standard and have got honours in musical exams up to this grade (grade 8 AMEB - Australian Musical Examinations Board)
don't play violin
I've been playing for 8 years, so pretty damn good.
i don't know i haven't got my violin yet

Car CD player plays all bought CDs, but not burnt CDs?

Why is it that my car will play all CDs from a store, but when I burn one to play, it wont play those? The CDs i burned are CD-R

Car CD player plays all bought CDs, but not burnt CDs?musicals

apparently you are using the wrong program to burn your cd's or you are using the wrong media. you need a digital media cd.

Car CD player plays all bought CDs, but not burnt CDs?opera songs opera theater

In order to us burnt CD's you have to buy a CD player for more than $30 bucks at the fleamarket
That is typical of some older CD players. Some DVD players are the same. The only thing you can do would be to upgrade your CD player.
The store bought cds have the music encoded to cdaudio file format.

Your "Burnt" cds most likely have the music encoded into the MP3 format which your car's cd player can not playback.
A issue no one has asked yet. Are you burning your cds as .mp3 or .wav. Some CD players do not play MP3s and you will need to make sure that you are converting your mp3s to .wav before you burn the CD. You can find mp3 to wav converters on the web that have trial versions for free you should try this and see if it resolves your problem if it does not then I would just suggest buying a new CD player for your car you can buy one at wal-mart relatively inexpensive that plays mp3s and is actually a fairly decnt player.

Launchcast plays one in ever about 20 songs?

i have a new comp with vista basic and windows media 10 i think, i can get launchcast to start fine and the songs show up and everything is normal other then the fact that the sound does not play and i know it has to be a problem with launchcast beacuse i can get a few songs to play randomly

please help


Launchcast plays one in ever about 20 songs?performing arts show

I believe Vista comes with WMP 11, but you can easily check via Vista Programs and features. The problem you are observing usually happens to Launchcast users who have Launchcast Plus or Unlimited. As a workaround, you could create a new Yahoo id (which won't have the Plus feature) and use that id. The problem usually manifests itself as one can only hear the commercials or every other song. Yahoo says they know about the problem, but this problem hasn't been fixed for several months. I suggest you bug Yahoo with a problem report. Hope this helps. :)

Launchcast plays one in ever about 20 songs?opera cd opera theaterNope, I don't have Plus or Unlimited, but LAUNCHcast will not play on my Vista machine either. I've been using Pandora instead. Report It

How do I play protected wmas my m500 network player? I am signed into yahoo music, but only plays im

I have a unsecure network.. does that have something to do with it? I see all of the songs on the display, but it shows a lock and will not play protected files. will it not play yahoo downloaded tracks?

How do I play protected wmas my m500 network player? I am signed into yahoo music, but only plays imported????ballet theater

Are you playing it through the Yahoo Jukebox Program or Windows Media player. I had the same problem and I found out a couple things.

1. The Yahoo Jukebox server is not very reliable and is kind of slow. Sometimes it would take as long as 20 minutes from the time I turned on my M1001 until all the songs were loaded and unlocked.

2. Sometimes to fix this problem I had to reboot my machine.

3. The Yahoo server caused my music to Pause and skip.

What I did to resolve the problem was to go into Windows Media Player, run a scan to find all my music, then connect to that instead of straight to the Jukebox.

If this doesn't make sense feel free to email me


Who plays a band instrument here?

What instrument do u play?

R u in a middle school band?

Do u enjoy band

I play flute and saxaphone, piano, guitar

Who plays a band instrument here?concert tickets

i DID play one. Played flute in 4th grade in the school band. I loved it but unfortunately the teacher was a ***** %26amp; threw me out because I never practiced. The sad part was that i COULDNT %26amp; it wasn't my fault. I went to a Catholic school (all together now: UGH!) %26amp; they loaded us down w/ so much homework that there was no time for practice. I'd start on it as soon as I got home from school %26amp; still wasn't completely finished with it by the time I had to go to bed. *sighs*

Who plays a band instrument here?theater seating opera theater

Saxophone, mainly tenor. Also alto and baritone.

I am not in middle school. I am an OLD person!
guitar, piano, and xylophone...but i'm in high school now..i love being in the band..*well i used to play in a marching band*
drums, piano, guitar

if band you mean school band, hell no
I play the Viola in the orchestra, my friend plays clairanet in the band, and my other friend plays percussion in the same school band. We are all in middle school, too. I know a lot of people that play the alto sax, and one person who plays the trumpet.
i used to lay the clarinet in Jr.high but now I'm in high school and hate the clarinet but only cause of the teacher i had its cool you play four instruments i always wanted to play the gutiar so keep with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bass guitar, guitar, mandolin, violin, and some percussion. I too am an OLD person and a female to boot.
I play clarinet, saxaphone, piano, and guitar.

I was in band playing the clarinet for 3 years, then dropped out once i got to highschool.

The whole highschool band thing isnt my scene.

But I did have alot of fun with it in middleschool.
i play piano.. not in the school band though.
I'm not in middle school but I played trumpet for about 10 years since sixth grade, and one semester in concert band at Troy University
i play bass guitar, baritone sax, %26amp; alto sax.

im in a middle school band %26amp; high school jazz band

band rocks!!! =)

Who plays Roleplaying Games these days?

I'm talking about games using pen, paper and dice here, not massively multiplayer online gaming. In other words REAL roleplaying games. Is this a dying pastime played only by ageing gamers (ahem) or is there a thriving underground 'yoof' market for these games? Also, how many older people who are settled with house, kids, job etc still find time to stretch their imaginations in this way?

It's interesting to see that Yahoo haven't even provided a category for this type of game. But I know loads of people who still play pen and paper RPGs, though they don't talk about it much in public!

I'm also curious to see how much hostility and prejudice this question attracts.

Who plays Roleplaying Games these days?performing art center

well me and about 25 people in california on one desolate army base have time in our lives to stop and play some d%26amp;d or starcraft and stuff like that so i say a good amount of people still play them yet they are also caught up in the new rpg's and/or are embaressed by the upper society about them being"nerds" or "geeks" welll what i say is **** em all and stick with what you do!

Who plays Roleplaying Games these days?theatre tickets opera theaterI ought to add - yes, Fresa, I certainly do include murder mystery games as Roleplaying Games..... Anyone who's interested can check out our D%26amp;D and GURPS campaign journals here: Report It

Do you mean besides D%26amp;D?

We play murder mystery games with adults and mystery games with the kids.... and last year, I wrote and coordinated an entire script for 16 girls plus props and everything for a mystery game for my daughter's bday party. It was a HUGE success!
d %26amp; d and shadowrun and the like DO seem to be going the way of the dodo, and i find it sad. it DOES seem that many people are no longer content with setting up sessions with friends, but are more interested in the visual wysiwyg syle of video games.

i wish there were more people who still had an interest in tabletop rollplaying.

and by the way, i'm 21, if that makes you feel any better! haha
I don't at the mo' but I tracked down the old fighting fantasy series of books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone (both of whom I believe have gone on to presumably lucrative jobs with software houses that make the kind of online games you mentioned. Anyway I intend to buy some of these soon, both as a way of recapturing a happy part of my childhood and to see if I can complete one withouth cheating.
I do - have done since the 1980s ( I'm 39 years old) and still meet up every Wednesday for D%26amp;D. I've tried the D%26amp;D games on the PC - Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, etc, are quite good.
In fact, I'll be participating in a pen%26amp;paper RPG next week, but it will be the first time in years. I think the vast majority of traditional RPG gamers now seek the holy grail in online form, just from a time standpoint. It's very difficut for people to coordinate their work schedules, drive from all over, etc.

There have been some great single-player RPGs such as Neverwinter Nights, Daggerfall, Jade Empire and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic- all those games lacked was the social dynamic of interacting with other players.

Several years ago, the Vampire:the Masquerade game hit the nail right on the head: it introduced an online mode wherein players could join a campaign which had been created by the host (or GM)- the story would then proceed with host directing events, the only difference being the players were behind their own computers. All of the player interaction, banter %26amp; arguing was there, as was the human element behind NPC actions and story twists. It was really the online progeny of pen%26amp;paper gaming.

Unfortunately, it was too buggy. It also predated the widespread adoption of DSL/cable, so disconnects, timeouts and other ISP issues were common. I suspect the Internet infrastructure just wasn't robust enough at the time.

While plenty of MMORPGs are the antithesis of roleplaying, (like WoW, though it's a blast in it's own right) others achieved remarkable success in creating immersive worlds. To date, nothing has come close to the original Everquest. In it's first couple of years, THAT was an experience unlike any other.

It's possible the upcoming Vanguard: Saga of Heroes take the next step towards realizing the MMORPG dream. The issue for MMORPGs is that ultimately it all boils down to the online community. But for the classic RPG experience in which the epic storyline revolves around the actions of your small group and without any grief from huge guilds and newbies begging at the city gates- for that, break out the character sheets, pizza and Jolt Cola.

Now where is that massive stack of D6's I was using in the last Champions campaign...?

Who plays Ulitma Online Still?

Anyone here play Ultima Online? What made you play or what finally made you quit?

Who plays Ulitma Online Still?oper

I play UO. I don't remember why I started playing, I just know I'm addicted.

Who plays Ulitma Online Still?hollywood theater opera theater

yes, software very hard to aquire, great game. old school. i still get special requests for software.

Anyone Plays Conquer Online?

I play in Celeberties-Fury wat server do you play in?

Anyone Plays Conquer Online?theater

ya i

Who plays the national lottery?

what amounts have you won?

have you ever come close to winning the grand prize?

do you know anybody who has won the millions?

i dont play but wish i could win

im going to start to play again from next friday

pick me some numbers!

Who plays the national lottery?theatre

I have a lucky dip every lottery as if I stuck to same numbers I would kick myself if they come up and did not put them on.

I have won 锟?20 once and lots of 锟?0.

I know someone many years ago who won 锟?50.000 and also someone who won 锟?000 but that is it no millionaire friends lol

Pick birthdays and some higher numbers to go with it. x

Who plays the national lottery?opera music opera theater

I've never won, but the chances of winning are extremely low. Like one in a billion.

Did you know the money you pay for the ticket goes towards someones prize...

Think of numbers that are associated with you and your family like birth dates... etc...

My mom once won 锟?0 that's for just 3 numbers, get 4 and I think its 锟?000

You might just be Lucky! Good Luck!
I play - somebody has to win it and one day, that somebody might be me.

But I've never won much, a couple of tenners and that's about it.
Nah dont do it wish i could remember to though
For a better odds on chance of Winning try this--

It worked for me.

Good Luck.

Does anyone have any good Redneck kind of plays?

I need a play for my Stagecraft Class. I wanted to use Greater Texas, but I can't get the script for it! So - I have to rebuild a scene from a play and I had this Idea of making it a coutry tailgating party kind of thing. I really wanted to get a backwoodsy play, but I can't seem to find any. So, ANY suggestions on a play would be great. Really, any play that has a descriptive scene in it would work, but I had my heart set on a country themed play... Thanks!

Does anyone have any good Redneck kind of plays?pacific theater

I know this wont be a lot of help, because I dont know where to find the script, but if you can find it, check out "Great Smokies." It is written by Roma Greth. It is a one-act play that I performed in way back in eighth grade. It is about a Smokie's backwoods family, and the courtship of their daughter. It is hilarious. Just to give you an idea, one line always stuck out to me and I still remember it to this day. Hiram, who is courting the daughter, says to her... "Your eyes are like two peeled grapes, lying in a horse through."

I am not sure where you could find the script, unless it is in an anthology somewhere. I checked under Samuel French's website and couldnt find it. I did see a copy of it on

She also has two other "hillbilly" plays... Hillbilly Weddin' and Mountain Gal. I havent seen or read these, but if they are as good as Great Smokies, I am sure they will definitely fit the bill.

Good luck!

Does anyone have any good Redneck kind of plays?phantom of the opera opera theater

Have you thought about the show "Greater Tuna"?? It takes place in Greater Tuna, Texas, and has a host of odd characters from the town.
"An Evening of Culture" is a fun one about a bunch of rednecks putting on "Romeo and Juliet". It is by Mark Landon Smith

Video plays with purple /green colour?

When I play a video file on my computer, either AVI or MPG, it has a purple/green colour to it. It does play normally, but is discoloured. How can this be solved?

Video plays with purple /green colour?the grand theater

You may have bent pins in your VGA cable or the source video may not have been properly rendered.

I play "guitar hero" with my son. He's 11 I am 47. He kickes my butt. He plays on exp

he's really good for his age at this game and now thinks he wants to take guitar lessons. I use to play keyboards in a band %26amp; I realize its not always a fun experience to practice , practice, practice all the time. Would I be wasting his time %26amp; my money to get him started in guitar lessons ?

I play "guitar hero" with my son. He's 11 I am 47. He kickes my butt. He plays on expert level %26amp; I on easychinese theater

I can understand your concern, but this is a great opportunity to get him into something he seems like he would enjoy and may be good at.

And yes, he may get into it then realize it's too much work and quit - but we all learn from our mistakes, right?

It's win-win: He either really does like it, gets into it and works hard, and gains a really cool skill that most people don't have. Or, he quits and learns that you don't just accomplish things without hard work and dedication.

If you look at it that way, it's not a waste of money in either case.

You can get really cheap guitars at Wal-Mart - Which yes, I'll admit are junk for an actual guitar enthusiast, but if he actually gets into it then you can consider purchasing a better one.

As far as the lessons, put a give-take spin on it. Have him mow the yard (or some other chore) regularly in exchange for you paying for lessons. If he's not serious, the double-work load will make him go ahead and give it up quick (instead of just keeping on screwing around on Dad's money).

I play "guitar hero" with my son. He's 11 I am 47. He kickes my butt. He plays on expert level %26amp; I on easyopera mini opera theater

I understand where you are coming from. most people don't understand all the time, hard work, practice, and dedication that it takes to learn an instrument. if you maybe sit down and talk with him, find out if he really understand the practice it could take and if he really enjoys it, then i don't see why not.
Guitar Hero and the actual guitar are two entirely different things. For one, Guitar Hero doesn't have strings. But I feel this question may have better resolutions in the Parenting section. But the best I can say (as a single, childless 20 year old video gamer who also sucks at Guitar Hero) is that from the parenting shows, sitcoms, etc. I've seen, you should encourage your child to pursue his interests, and help him discover his talents. But I may not be such a reliable source. I've got baby siblings, but no child of my own.
Not at all. He's old enough to know that playing a real guitar won't be as easy as the game. Instead of five buttons and one stum bar, you have six strings, and....tons of frets! As long as he understands that it will be a lot harder to sound "cool" on a real guitar, he'll be fun. He can start out trying to play the songs from the game. When he masters "Psychobilly Freakout" on a real guitar, let me know, haha!
if he has the desire and strive for playing guitar learning guitar takes discipline and patience as well as practice music is a great thing
If he plays on expert, he's got some skill. But, I think you should give lessons a trial run before actually paying for it; it may turn out that he doesn't like it. Either find someone that offers a free trial, or pay for that first lesson, then the others (if necessary).
Interesting dilemma you got there.... I play guitar hero 1 %26amp; 2 and I'm pretty good at it( I can finish some songs on Expert level, not all). Thing is, I used to play the guitar and even played some of the songs found in Guitar Hero on an actual guitar. Because of that I became quite good at Guitar Hero quite fast. What I'm trying to say is that some of the skills that I already posess due to past experience w/ a real guitar, carried over into playing Guitar Hero. Your son on the other hand, has it the other way around so there might be a good chance that he has a natural ability in playing the guitar. Word of caution though, Guitar Hero and actual guitar playing share some similarites but are very,very different in so many, many ways.

Who plays Tibia? =D?

Anyone play Tibia? If so, talk to me and let's play together sometime! Add to your VIP list. Leave your name and world on your reply!

I have:

Zakoria on Grimera

Emirii on Astera

Spirited Away on Honera.

I might make one on Mythera, too.

=) Thanks

Who plays Tibia? =D?star theater

Kusakup - Libera

Who plays Tibia? =D?extension opera theaterIve got a char on honera ^^ Bear Vengeance dont play it majorly anymore but im on quite often :P Report It

Gerrard plays so much better when lampard is not playing.?

im glad lampard was injured and now he should be drop to the bench for all england games. it gives gerrard a better role for the team. he played so much better last night, now he has his position back and he knows how to bang them in. lampard is just shite. who thinks lampard should stay on the bench?????

Gerrard plays so much better when lampard is not playing.?opera songs

Of course he does, I have been saying this for ages, But this is the first time people seem to agree with me. Lumpy is an over-rated big head, Yes he can play good Football, (I have never said he ca`nt) But when he is on the Football Field wearing his England Shirt, he thinks he is the most important person there, and he is NOT.

Gerrard plays so much better when lampard is not playing.?secure browser opera theater

i completely agree wid u . rafa n macca hve been playin gerrard at d right wing which is not good . i basically think gerrard n hargreaves in d midfield is good wid lennon in d rite n cole in d left ( aftr he comes back from d injury) or recall becks to d squad . his experience mite help d squad....
i agree also ,but you can't ignore lampard
Definitly Lampard takes up too much of gerrards room even if they both play mid. He needs his own room to create his magic that England despritley need!
I agree with you that Lampard should be left on the bench. It will allows Gerrard more room to display his skills. Gerrard skills are definitely better than Lampard. England vs Andorra match which Gerrard scores 2 goals prove that.

Who plays synthesizer for Muse in concert?

It can't be Matthew Bellamy, since he's playing lead guitar. Do they use a recording, or do they have somebody playing it live with them?

Who plays synthesizer for Muse in concert?opera cd

Morgan Nicholls. If you watch live performances (reading Festival is a good example) look for the guy standing next to dom.

Husband Plays On His Computer To Much, What Should I Do?

I am at a loss...My Husband is always on his computer playing games. From the moment he gets home from work till he goes to bed (which is really late). He never wants to do anything with me or his daughter who is 10 months. I feel like I have to beg him to play with her (dd) or help take care of her. He claims since I am a stay a home mom, my life is good and shouldn't have any complaints about doing all the house work and taking care of our daughter. I'm just at a loss. I have tried to talk to him about the issue but he turns it into my problem and not ours. I just need some feedback. Thanks!

Husband Plays On His Computer To Much, What Should I Do?chicago theater

Don't start a war by cutting the cords or hiding them or whatever.

Do check for porn as other answerers suggested.

Then sit him down and say that you need to compromise. He can play his games for an amount of time that the two of you agree on, and then he has to stop. Use a timer. He must agree on a time limit each evening of playing his games, or you are with someone who isn't willing to compromise, and then you have to seek marriage counseling.

Don't try to cut him off from his games entirely, he enjoys them, and if they are only games and not porn, then they are harmless I believe.

Also work on plans, and goals. It sounds as if there isn't enough shared plans between the two of you, and you need plans not only for each week (part work that needs done at home, part play) but also plans for things you want for the rest of your life.

You have to dream together.

Husband Plays On His Computer To Much, What Should I Do?met opera opera theater

cut the cords on the computer!! i would !
if that is the case.. try to play what he is playing too.. ok? so that you two will share the same interest.. so that if he will teach you how to play it.. then he will be the one sitting the baby up.. nyay

but.. we really dont know.. with that, maybe you guys need to talk about it,., of course he will say its your problem.. try to disconnect the internet connection for a week and check if what hes gonna do........
Steal the power cord. Not rocket science. Good luck. You probably can't FIND the power cord to Steal dont seem to bright.
I know alot of people who are addicted to the computer whether its playing games chatting or porn and it sounds like he is addicted. It is like a drug its probably all he thinks about even when at work he probably cant wait to get home to get on it. He probably gets some sort of high from it it should be treated as an addiction try looking up something that could help him with his addiction
This is a two fold problem. First has to deal with the gaming addiction your husband has and the second has to do with his attitude.

Look here:
computers are addictive. Try praying for him and yourself.
Don't cut the cords, that'll make the situation much worse. For once, try to see what he is playing, and share the same interest with him for a while. Try talking to him sincerely, don't overdo things.
Seems as if he has an addictive nature. My husband loves fishing to the point where he would skip work just to go and all our money was gouing towards his hobby. I eventually decided that if I couldn't beat him I would join him, about a year of fishing with him I beat him in a fishing competitiion it wore his patience so much that I was getting better than him he all of a sudden didn't want to go as much, and have decided that gardening would be a better hobby for us to do together.

So babe, all I can say is never let him do something alone, prove to him that you can outplay and outlast him anyday. His priority should be in keeping his family happy.

Good Luck.
I know this may sound extreme, but go to a counseler. Maybe it's a fairly new issue, but it sounds like something that could escalate, and cause relationship problems for both the marriage and father to daughter bond down the road. Sometimes hearing advice from a third party will be taken more seriously than from a partner. You should be able to communicate clearly with each other, and be responsive, which, as you mentioned, is a problem right now. Seek some extra help, tell him you'll buy him something pretty if he goes for a couple sessions with you...

Best of luck!
He is probably addicted to porn. The games are just a cover. Sorry you have to go through this with a young baby, but if he is addicted, then he will be irritable if he can't get to the computer at least aroound bedtime and he probably doesn't want to have sex with you anymore. Counseling is usually useless for these people. I don't know what to tell you. Investigate whether he has addictive behaviors with regard to the computer. Check his last viewed webpages (because men are too silly to empty their brower caches each time they go online) by opening Internet Explorer or Netscape or whetever he has and pressing "control (CTRL)" and H for "history". If the porn thing is correct (and I do not mean casual porn watching, I mean addition), maybe talk to him about whether you two should have an open marriage until your baby is a bit older. (He'll either shape up or ship find a this suggestion. Good part is that you can get some attention from someone else too.) Not sure if that is an option for you. If not, try counseling (you can do that too with the porn addiction, but it really doesn't work...they have messed up their brains like a crack addict)
Hah. I answered something like this earlier because it's sooooo familair! lol. Just do a little lap dance oe strip dance for him... or just walk around naked or wear something sexy and make sure he notices. I'm sure it'll work!
Really?I give you 1 month or less ,and this crap wont last ,you will find someone that will pay attention to you and your daughter,I'm seeing trouble coming .

4 yrs ago my husband did the same crap ,not so much the computer ,but work .

i was raising my 3 children alone ,PTA meeting's ,baseball game's ,anything that involved the children ,until another man shown interest on me ,then he woke up real fast .

they don't miss it ,until it's gone .
Get him to braid your hair, paint your toes, and massage your aching back. Perhaps you could even let the massage become inappropriate. Setup a board game and call him out in to the living room to play that (hard to say no if you've already set it up). Some guys like to fix stuff, so maybe there's something you can point out there. That won't all happen at once. He'll even be annoyed at first and make it obvious.

Start small; it'll be slow process. The idea is to at first get him to realize the games will still be there later, then that he won't necessarily miss them. Of course, ending with him realizing the games weren't really as much fun as he thought they were.

For the people who said to cut the cords or take the power, I bet that'll just start a fight and get him more set in his determination to play on the computer.

Who plays NFL football video games?

Hi doing a study on demographics on people who play NFL football video games, I would appricciate greatly if you would leave your age and gender if you play NFL football video games :)

Please and thank you so much

Who plays NFL football video games?theater seating



Who plays NFL football video games?lyric opera opera theater



19 caucasian male
My husband does. He is 40 years old. He really I mean REALLY gets into them. His favorite is NFL Coach.
Not me

I have problems play a video in vlc player- it plays too please..?

My vlc player is playing a movie from a cd-r too fast. When I slow it down by clicking on 'Play Slower' the audio is gone. What can I do to fix this?

I have problems play a video in vlc player- it plays too please..?theatre tickets

go and download media player classic

i think its best player in the world

if u want down load this player than download full version its more the 30 mb

I have problems play a video in vlc player- it plays too please..?opera house opera theater

this s problem with properties of ur vlc player.

just play it in some media player and understand the problem is whether with vlc or cd..
Uninstall Vlc media player and install again

Who plays Yahoo games?

Which are your favorite?

I haven't played in a while but I usually play Pyramids or Diamond Mine

Who plays Yahoo games?

Yahoo games are amazing

i tried many

Who plays Yahoo games?opera mobile opera theater

Not me.
i usually play pyramids or torando 21
i dont play them
I used to, but now for some reason the games wont load,,,,,
My daughter does sometimes but I never do. I like Y/A a lot better.
when u have a PS3...who really plays yahoo! games??
Diner Dash. It should be a classic now!

Its already Diner Dash 4, i think, its good~!
I do an they are great and fun here are some others you should try as well.
I like Bingo,diamonds....and many other games........
Oh yahoo has games? My bad, never noticed.
No i never play.
I don't play this games
not me

Who plays WoW and what's your favorite race/class to play?

I was just curious. I really enjoy playing my druid, but my husband prefers his rogue. Any other WoW nerds out there?

Who plays WoW and what's your favorite race/class to play?opera music

I'm a WoW nerd!

Personally I love the trolls.

I have a 62 troll rogue that kicks butt! I love being right up to the monsters and striking like no one's business.

I also play and undead priest that's ok, i like being the lifeline of the party and it's easy to focus and switch targets.

My bf plays a tauren shaman and druid. I really like playing his shaman sometimes but i just LOVE the dps my rogue spits out. the trolls racial passive is the regen, which, with a rogue is crucial to being able to get back to fighting quickly.

My bf does favor his druid because of his flexibility though, and I have to admit, the cows are kinda cute.

Who plays WoW and what's your favorite race/class to play?opera sheet music opera theater

i like warlocks, alot of people don't but i think they're cool
I have 2 NE druids and they are probably my favorite. I also very much enjoy my NE hunter...always have a pet out, so I'm never questing/pvping alone lol.
I myslef like my hunter. But i also enjoy my war and priest

as far as race i like undead, orcs and trolls
i like undead rouge for horde

and dwarf hunter for ally
I have a NE hunter and a Draenai Shaman, and I like em both, specialy that freaky hair of theirs.

As for a favotie class id say paladin. Im not to fond of warlcoks or rouges.. there just.. creepy.. and there only there to gank others in pvp.
My favorite is a pally all the way! I looove playing my pally.

The video is playing but when it plays it's blank how do I fix it?

I go to websites d%26amp;s car wash and nustar inc carwash the video play's but it's blank how do I fix this problem when I play the video say's does not support this website how do I fix it

The video is playing but when it plays it's blank how do I fix it?phantom of the opera

i dont no what kinda software u are using currently but sometimes some movies only support certain players to run the movie!!!

try download:

quicktime player, realtime player, winamp, divx in your system!!

when u openup a movie it will automatically choose the player!!

good luck!!!

Who plays runescape????

i play and was wondering how many people play it!!! thats the web site if you wanted to try it!!!^_^

Who plays runescape????soap opera

Your question has been asked over 10 times. Try using the Yahoo Answers! Search Feature.

GameFAQs will cover your beginner-advanced trade skills and combat skills. (trade skills are how you make money in RuneScape).

Who plays runescape????city opera opera theater


used to blow got bored.

didnt want to pay for members anymore

I've compiled a list of mmorpgs,blogs,onlinetv,games, etc

HELP.. when ipod plays videos the screen doesnt show with picture, it looks as a song would when pla

i downloaded videos from itunes, and transfered them to my ipod, the only thing is that when i play them, they look like a song when a song is played, the tv screen doesnt show up even though i went to setting and clicked tv screen on... what can i do to fix this?

HELP.. when ipod plays videos the screen doesnt show with picture, it looks as a song would when played?opera mini

Try this Apple FAQ:

HELP.. when ipod plays videos the screen doesnt show with picture, it looks as a song would when played?passions soap opera opera theater

First of all to view video's on the actual iPod you need to have 'TV off' (that's for viewing via a tv set). Then make sure that you play them via videos %26gt; music videos.

Hope this helps.
you have to turn the tv off to play your videos.

Who plays rappelz or dragonfable?

if u play rappelz tell me your usarname so we can team up? if u play dragonfable um what r u some hints or cheats?

Who plays rappelz or dragonfable?extension

I play dragon fable, there are no cheats as of yet.

Who plays rappelz or dragonfable?movie theater opera theaterYea i play Rappelz im on the Bahumut server my name is DrunknJudge Report It

i have a dragon fable but dont play it

Chaucer Plays?

What was that Chaucer play in which Death visited three people. (They might have been Brothers) J.K Rowling also said that The Deathly Hallows might have been based on this play.

Was it the something inn? I've no idea! Please Help!

Chaucer Plays?secure browser

It wasn't a play but a section of 'The Canterbury Tales'. It was the Pardoner's Tale which told of three stupid, drunk, young men who went looking for Death so they could kill him. They ended up dead, through their own greed.

Chaucer Plays?home theater opera theater

Not a play, but one of the Canterbury Tales, specifically the Pardoner's Tale.

8 month kitten plays too rough with new 5 week old kitten?

Hi, I have a 8 month kitten and just recently brought a new 5 week kitten into the house.. at first my old kitten (Roma) didnt like the new one (Luna), but its been 4 days and now she wants to play with the new arrival, the only problem is that she's never played with another cat since she was about 6 weeks old, and she's playing o hard with the little one, what can i do to get her to stop hitting her like she's the same size?

8 month kitten plays too rough with new 5 week old kitten?opera singer

5 weeks is too young for the kitten to be away from their littermates and mother. kittens should be with their mother minium 8-12 weeks. you should have supervised visits and keep an eye on things. best bet is to bring the kitten back to the mother for a few more weeks when it can be socialized better.

8 month kitten plays too rough with new 5 week old kitten?amc theater opera theater

let them fight the young one will soon learn to play rough all cats do it
You are not suppose to have an 5 week old kitten.
Seperate them! and by the way a 5 week old kitten should still be with it's mother. But yeah just seperate them and if the big one still does it spray her with a water bottle.
Like the others have said, 5 weeks is too young for the kitten to be away from its mother. Hopefully you will be able to take the kitten back to its mother for another couple of weeks. If that's not possible, then you will just have to keep an eye on them. Use a squirt bottle if your 8 month old looks like she's hurting the kitten. Otherwise, its perfectly normal for cats to play this way.

Please consider taking that poor kitten back to its mother.
Thats playing.....those are the best cat years.....get involved in the play and watch out for scratching and biting.

I supose that both cats have their respective vaccines up to date.....right?

Specially leukemia and FIV

I play pinocle on yahoo there is 1 player with 4 ID's he plays both sides of the table?

Derek_jeter can you do something about his play

I play pinocle on yahoo there is 1 player with 4 ID's he plays both sides of the table?met opera

go to the help button on lounge select page and report him

I play pinocle on yahoo there is 1 player with 4 ID's he plays both sides of the table?movie theatre opera theater

Do you mean he plays by himself all four sides or just plays as himself and as his partner. I can't understand how he would manage that but I guess you can do anything nowadays. Of course it is cheating. Boot him from the table.

What plays a converted rar file?

i downloaded a stardvd.rar file....would not play so i extracted is now a .img file...what can i play it with plse...pretty plse

lol cheers

What plays a converted rar file?lyric opera

Download WinRar, right click, extract to folder.

What plays a converted rar file?imax theater opera theater

You need to extract the contents from the img file too. You can use utilities like WinISO or PowerISO to extract from image(img) file
You probably need WinRAR or Winzip to extract the file. Maybe something is wrong with the file that's why you can't play it!

Sorry, but I am not exactly; this is all I really know!

Hope it helps and good luck!
.img sounds like an image file for burning on to a disc. similar to .iso, .bin. not too sure though. try to open it with a burning program, see if it asks you to burn to disc.
Download Daemon tools

It will allow you to load the image file as a virtual cd.

Otherwise just burn it to a cd using your cd writer software.. select burn image
Burn it as an image to a DVD or mount it as a virtual drive.
download winrar and play vlc player which you can also download for free this player plays almost anything.
if its a img file, you can burn that to disc using alcohol 120%

Who plays Zelda?

I'm playing Zelda: parody of time, and I'm on the part where I have to find Saria in the lost do i find her?

I am also playing Zelda: Twilight Princess, and i am on the part where i'm supposed to find some mirror shards, and i am in the big, snowy mountain by those zoras (i think that's what they're called.) I don't know what I'm supposed to do there, and it's no fun running around not knowing how to get past the snow wolves.

Who plays Zelda?opera house

just look on type in zelda walkthrough

there are many sites devoted to showing you how to get through zelda

Who plays Zelda?dream theater opera theater

zelda gay no homo
To get to Saria, listen closely at the tunnels and follow her song.

To get past the wolves, you first need to catch a certain type of fish in the Zora pool (you have to have spoken to the Zora prince at the Kakaiko graveyard and gotten the fish hook from him), and then leave the fish for the Yeti to take. Then change to wolf form and follow the scent of the fish up the mountain.
Check out this for Zelda: Twilight Princess -

Try or another such site. I haven't played those two yet. Still playing The Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass.

theres a parody of time? isnt it ocarina of time?

Who plays in a band? middle school, high school, rock, and what do you play?

i was just wondering since i play the baritone and the trombone.

Who plays in a band? middle school, high school, rock, and what do you play?

i play the contra alto bass clarinet. lol its basically a huge version of clarinet. i have to sit on a stool to play it and the top of it actually goes over my head.

Who plays in a band? middle school, high school, rock, and what do you play?amc theatre opera theaterthe mouth piece curves down, but the part before it curves down is taller than me when i sit on the stool. i'm not exactly sure how tall it is and i'd measure it, but i have to keep the instrument at school, so i'll just say its over 4 ft. crazy huh? and i'm in 8th grade. Report It

I play alternative rock and i am a drummer.
I'm a guitarist for our church here in CA. I also play a bass, and a little bit of keyboard. I also like singing but singing doesn't like me. How i wish we could have someone to play wind instruments in our worship team, that will totally give out more flavor and feelings to our worship. keep on playing and enjoy!
I sing in a small rock band. I am going to learn bass guitar soon!
ima drummer
I played marimba in hs band, and bass guitar in a church band
Hi. I play guitar (bass), drums, flute, piccolo, oboe, piano, and learning violin. I like playing drums the best, gets frustration and energy out, and it is loud! I was in band since 5th grade, then in high school I was in orchestra, and I used to have a little silly garage band, I drummed and sang.

Who plays games at POGO?

just wondering, why are there money amounts next to each game? i mean i am new at this and want to play with other people but before i do, i want to know if there is really money involved b/c if there is, i don't want to play

Who plays games at POGO?opera mobile

most people play at pogo just for the fun of it and meeting new people, the money is real but you chances of winning it is very slim I do have friends that have one the jacpot, or the hat prize or the crockpot prize and so on but we play there just for the fun of it and here is some jackpot info for you to read.

What are the odds for Jackpot Spins or Drawings?

The criteria for getting the Jackpot spin are different in each game. You can refer to 'How to Play' section of each game in this regard. Please be aware that Jackpot spins on Pogo are won randomly, and that the odds for each game's Jackpot are intended to pay out about the same amount over time. Overall though, it is only a matter of a sheer luck or chance that a member is able to hit the Jackpot.

The odds for each drawing depend on how many players (and how many tickets) are entered for each one. The number of people who enter the drawing, and the number of tickets they enter, vary greatly each day, week or month.

From time to time, we run special jackpot promotions where you can win double or triple the jackpot amount! To see which games have a jackpot promotion running, please go to the home page and look for a 2x or 3x next to the game title. Unfortunately, the My Favorites section will not have a jackpot promotion indicator next to the game name.

Please note that since Club Pogo members already receive doubled jackpots up to $4999.00, those jackpots are not quadrupled or quintupled. However, Club Pogo members can still receive triple jackpots if there is a triple jackpot promotion happening.

Who plays games at POGO?imax theatre opera theater

pogo is free unless you want like an avatar thing im not too into it my mom plays it alot she pays 5 dollars a year for the membership but its free :D

the money next to it isnt real money no one really wins its the jackpot at the end of a game they do a jackpot spin but she played this game for years never won the jackpot i dont think its real money i think its tokens
I have a Club Pogo membership. It is $29.95 year. The money amounts are for Club Pogo members and it IS real money. Free membership accounts don't qualify for certain activities or for the Money prize winnings. Pogo is a lot of fun and is always adding new and exciting games.

My 2 year old never plays on her own can any one help?

she has a one year old sister but will only play if me or my husband are playing with her. she has lots of toys and books and games, but always has to have an adult involved. if we dont play she just wines all the time her sister is quite happy to play alone why is this. can anyone help please.

My 2 year old never plays on her own can any one help?opera sheet music

Your two year old is just a baby herself. There is not much difference in their ages, so she needs to have your attention, she is feeling a bit insecure. Dont worry about it just be patient with her and she will eventually play on her own.

My 2 year old never plays on her own can any one help?shows opera theater

Maybe she sees her sister as having more attention right now. Could it be that she's seeking more attention herself?
could be she is feeling left out as the younger one takes your time, say that she has her time art and crafts work that way you can leave her from time to time but keep her in the same room as you hope this helps
I wouldn't worry, all children are different, and do different things. This one may have a different personality to her older sibling and might not like the same play scenarios.

Who plays halo 3 more than other games you have at home?

i sometimes play halo 3.but i play bioshock more.

Who plays halo 3 more than other games you have at home?listen to opera

bioshock was cool, but i thought it was lame how you could never die. i mean, why use medkits if no matter what you can't die? made it a little easy. halo 3 is cool, except for that woman wh constantly screams at you. why would anybody want some chick screaming orders at him an entire game? i mean, who saving the world here? me or some idiot voice in my ear?

Who plays halo 3 more than other games you have at home?concert venue opera theater

i do so much i play a lot

Media play that plays backwards?

Is there such a player that I can find online or buy that will play songs/recordings backwards? Im doing research on backmasking and I need a tool to do it with.

Media play that plays backwards?city opera

Wavepad is one. When you do get it, open the song through Wavepad, find Edit at the top and click "Select All". Then go to Effects, and click Reverse. Then you can even save the song backwards under File, then "Save File As". Then choose the file format, etc. and you're done.

Media play that plays backwards?performing shows opera theater

Audacity can do it.
Audacity is a great free audio editing tool. It can play backwards, runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux, and it's free. You should be up and running in less than 5 minutes.

To install Audacity, import an audio file, and play it backwards:

1) Go to

2) Click on "Download Audacity 1.2.6"

3) Follow the steps to install the software

4) Once the installation has finished, open Audacity

5) Import the audio by selecting File %26gt;%26gt; Import... %26gt;%26gt; Audio (or press Control Shift I, Command Shift I on a Mac)

6) Navigate to the audio file, select it, and click OK

7) Depending on the size of the audio file and your computer's speed, it may take some time to load the file. Once it is finished, you should see a waveform in the workspace. Highlight it by clicking anywhere on the waveform and pressing Control A (Command A on a Mac)

8) With the track selected, go to Effect %26gt;%26gt; Reverse

That's it. Click the play button to hear the sound backwards. If you only want to reverse a portion of the track, select a portion of the track instead of selecting the entire track.

Hope this helps,

Audacity is a great free audio editing tool. It can play backwards, runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux, and it's free. You should be up and running in less than 5 minutes.

To install Audacity, import an audio file, and play it backwards:

1) Go to

2) Click on "Download Audacity 1.2.6"

3) Follow the steps to install the software

4) Once the installation has finished, open Audacity

5) Import the audio by selecting File %26gt;%26gt; Import... %26gt;%26gt; Audio (or press Control Shift I, Command Shift I on a Mac)

6) Navigate to the audio file, select it, and click OK

7) Depending on the size of the audio file and your computer's speed, it may take some time to load the file. Once it is finished, you should see a waveform in the workspace. Highlight it by clicking anywhere on the waveform and pressing Control A (Command A on a Mac)

8) With the track selected, go to Effect %26gt;%26gt; Reverse

That's it. Click the play button to hear the sound backwards. If you only want to reverse a portion of the track, select a portion of the track instead of selecting the entire track.

Hope this helps,


(A) plays powerball (55 possibles) one time.(B) plays powerball 55 consecutive days.What are odds on

What are the odds in winning just the powerball number (1 in 55) for both people. Does playing powerball once each 55 consecutive days increase your odds? And by how much. We figure person A has a 1 in 55 chance of winning. What statistical odds does the person B have?

(A) plays powerball (55 possibles) one time.(B) plays powerball 55 consecutive days.What are odds on each one?passions soap opera

About 0.64 probability of winning at least once.

Given the way you've set things out, A has a 1/55 (approx. 0.018) chance of winning by playing once.

For B, the probability of winning at least once is one minus the probability of not winning at all.

P(not winning on any particular day) = 54/55

P(not winning 55 times) = (54/55)^55

P(winning at least once) = 1 - (54/55)^55 = 0.635 approx.

Who plays Second Life?

I've been thinking about joining Second Life, mostly just to explore and hang out with people. I'm not necessarily interested in the business/economic aspects of the game.

Is it easy to play and meet people? How does it work? Does it cost much money to set up a person? How much can you do without spending money?

Basically, I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth the effort. Also, can you play it from any computer, or is there something you have to download? I have a PC at home that I'm sure can handle it, but can I also sign in from my Mac at work if I choose? I don't want to have to install anything on this computer, since it belongs to the company.

Who plays Second Life?movie theater

Yes, SecondLife is fairly easy to play and its very easy to meet people. I've been playing for the past four or so years (on and off), and i've liked it so far..mainly because the gameplay is pretty original and you can honestly do anything on SL (SecondLife).

SL is completely free but you can upgrade to a "premium" account, which basically entitles you to a weekly allowance of L$300 and the ability to own property/land. Other than that free accounts and premium accounts are exactly the same.

The only cons in my opinion to secondlife is that you'll normally lag even if you have a good computer and you probably always will be broke unless you intend spending real $ or working every day on secondlife.

But you can still have alot fun even if you never intend on spending real money on virtual money or getting a job on SL. I do, and I never have more than a few hundred dollars on me. If you meet the right people, you'll always have fun.

Also, yes, you have to download SecondLife to play it.

Who plays Second Life?tickets opera theater

i really am interested in knowing alot of the answers to your questions, unfortunately I don't know any of the answers but good luck to you!
Yes, I agree in your first paragraph.

It's easy to play and meet a person there. You just right click the floor and select walk there. No. The tutorial will help you. Abosolutely wide enough to consume an hour.

BTW, you need to download it's installer first. It's about 558 MB. Big enough for a modem to stay up overnight.
I was thiinking about joining as well. Seeing this peaked my interest more. Good Question!

New Sony DVDRW plays DVD's but there is no sound after new install.........?

I just installed a Sony DVDRW (DRU840A) into my computer. (Dell 2.8g, 512RAM, Nvidia FX5500 256m, Soundblaster AudigyHD) The DVDRW came bundled with a trial version of Nero. After install, Nero will play the DVD video, but it will not play sound. It gives an error message of missing "DVD-video multi-channel plug-in". My computer supports digital playback and is DMA enabled. I also have DivX player, WMP, creative source MP. I would like to play DVD's and make some movies out of AVI digi camera files I have collected.

New Sony DVDRW plays DVD's but there is no sound after new install.........?home theater

Nothing is wrong with ur Song DVDRW..

When u got ur DVDRW.. U must have got a wire too..

which is connected to ur DVDRW and to ur motherboard

thats the sound cable.. check if u have connected it at its proper place by reading DVDRW manual and ur motherboard manual

Who plays Knight Online...and for those who dont please read!!!?

ok well for those that play Knight Online World.. i made a forum and i want it to be known..also for those that dont play the game..please check out my forum and tell me if it is good...

Who plays Knight Online...and for those who dont please read!!!?amc theater

your forum looks OK to me (a bit empty :)

@ the guy above me: those archers where probably hackers, K2 fixed it (for now) but YES it also pisses me off to be unable to play when i want to (so i started playing RYL2 which is a simulair game)

Who plays Knight Online...and for those who dont please read!!!?concerts opera theater

I hate knight online. Dudes with bows and arrows always shot everthing before I could kill it. Also, It will not let free players on most of the time. I would rather play runescape!

Who here still plays super mario (The first version)?

my mom bought an mp3 player that has games in it. it has the first super mario and i played it. it was fun since it has been a long time since i played the game again. and of all the games this is the game that i never finished.

most of the child nowadays never have played this game. but to my generation it has been a part of our childhood. don't you miss it.

and..... have you ever finish this game.....

it is really a long game

Who here still plays super mario (The first version)?movie theatre


Who here still plays super mario (The first version)?playhouse opera theater

haha i love that game... i still play it sometimes too... its fun no matter how many times you beat it (though i can't honestly say that i have) i always get to bowser, and i don't think i've ever beaten him... my bro has though
Oh yeah, we downloaded it to the Wii, its a blast revisting the past.

Who plays Animal crossing?

I play Animal crossing:Wild world. I think it is great. It is such an addictive game and there is always something to do. Does anyone out there play it and if so, what do you think of it?

Who plays Animal crossing?imax theater

I love animal crossing. I still have the one for the game cube and I play it when I get the time.

Who plays Animal crossing?classical music opera theater

i love animal crossing
I play it...

and I suck at it.
I do do u ave a friend code
I like Simcity and Sims2 Castaway for DS too.
You know, I really haven't played it in a long time, but it is a fantastic game.
I know it's for not me. Search animal crossing on for the full review. Avoid bad images at all costs or else.
sickest game ever.. dang i hope it comes out on the wii soon.
I love animal crossing. I have the first one and wild world.

animal crossing fun. :D

I can't wait till for the Wii version comes out. :D

i cant WAIT for the one that's comeing out for the wii

just in case if you dont know about animal crosing wii, its gonna come out this fall or sometime in 2009.

i play the animal crossing for DS, and sometimes for gamecube!!!!
I would have to say Animal Crossing Wild World is possiblily the best game on the DS and one of the best games ever made. It is jsut so amazing, so much thought and effort has been put into it. Even the clouds and stars are mega detailed. There is so much to do in the game and nintendo has made so you play everyday. there is always something to do and haivng friends visit over the WiFi is a great feature. Definty a keeper and yes, it is addictive. I've played it every day for about the last 4 months. Even early in the morning before I go to school to see if any visitors have come or any fossils can be dug up. I'm trying sooo hard to collect as much items as possible and getting everything out of the game.

Great question!! I'm gonna star it!!
I do! It's really fun and addictive, but things get a bit repetitive sometimes. I hope that in the Wii version they add some more fun things.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Who here actually plays football?

Alot of you seem to have alot of opinions on the premier league, but do any of you play the sport itself? Do you think you have the right to call players bad? Why do you say "United is bad, Arsenal is bad" etc, I think it seems pretty weird unless youve actually played at the highest level.

So do you play? What team for?

Who here actually plays football?dream theater

Q: yes, i do play football

and i play for my college's Womens Team

(and it seems like ur Q is biased and is targeted towards liverpool fans.

tsk tsk)

Who here actually plays football?performing arts opera theater

i do. i play in the under 18s division in the sheffield league so think i deserve to call people bad lol
Well its so obvious we must play football. And people have opinions.
I see where you're coming from but it doesn't quite make sense. You don't have to be an actor to comment on movies or actors. I play 5 a side every Saturday, just to meet mates and have a laugh.
No never have well unless you count kicking the tennis ball around to my Australian Silky Terrier who I must say is probly more adept at the sport than myself. I actually played Aussie Rules as a lad.

I do think however that even though you aren't as skilled you can still see who the good and skillful players are but you may not be able to appreciate the difficulty of the pace and split second decisions required at the upper levels of a sport.
I do play football almost every day for fun.

I play in the amateur League in Sussex

Up to the age of 12 I played in the youth team of Atalanta, Serie A team. Played Vs AC Milan, Juventus, Inter Milan and Roma youth team.

Was asked to trial for AC Milan (my dream) but in a rough tackle broke my knee, shin and metatarsal all at the same time =[

and didn't play football for 1 1/2 yrs - so lost ground and there you go

I think the point is people on Answers call teams and players bad simply coz they are rival teams, nothing else.

I mean I criticize Livershit but honestly they are not a bad team, I just hate the hell out of them =]
I play over 35's in Sydney being an ex-pat - and have a blog commenting on all the big nancys of the Premier League.

I'm a football tragic!

51 Years old.

I occasionally play for my 20 year old sons team.

6 - a - side astroturf. 20 Minutes each way.
me I play for under 18 blackburn fc
My footballing days are long gone , to old nowadays the legs have gone and i am unfit compared to my younger days and even when i did play i wasnt really very good , a typical Liverpool type of player , now i am just an armchair supporter with a big mouth and loads of opinions,just like a typical Liverpool fan , i am gonna have to change i didnt realise i was changing in to a loser.
i agree with you 100% . unless you have played primer , you do not have the right to publicly display disquest with those who do . it is a infintile point of view , it just showsental , physical inferiority . no person eho has played major , football would ever ever post the innane comments that are on this site . the majority should be posting under mental health . that is were there inferiority belongs . thanks

Who plays wii/video game topless??

a british magazine "nuts" recently launched a series of videos showing models playing wii with bouncing boobies but without their tops. this causes imitation throughout the world. do anyof you play wii this way??

Who plays wii/video game topless??amc theatre


Why trying to play GTA San Andreas but it plays like crap on my new comp ...?

I picked up a new computer a few weeks ago and I was looking forward to playing a few games on it. It's a Dell Dimension E521 with Vista, 2 GB of RAM, an Athlon X2 4000+ processor, an nVidia 8500 GT 256 MB graphics card, and a 22in LCD monitor. Sounded OK to me especially for $750ish...but I picked up GTA San Andreas and it runs really choppy on it. My computer specs seem to be much higher than the game suggests to. Is the 8500 just a crappy card? It should be able to play 2 year old games you'd think.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Why trying to play GTA San Andreas but it plays like crap on my new comp ...?imax theatre

The 8500GT isn't great, though it should be plenty good enough to run a game that old without a problem. Try updating the drivers.

Why trying to play GTA San Andreas but it plays like crap on my new comp ...?performing show opera theater

thats your problem, 1 its vista, and 2 its a dell, dells are pieces of junk
The 8500GT is best for HD videos w/ Nvidia's PureVideoHD. BUT in 3D graphics, it is just comparable to a 7300GT. The cheap 8500GT w/ just ddr2 v-ram may even be slower. Try lowering game quality settings. It should run faster.

Who plays drums on "Gonna Fly Now", the original Rocky motion picture soundtrack as heard

Bill Conti wrote the music to the blockbuster movie "Gonna Fly Now", possibly one of the greatest movie themes of all time. But, I am curious as to who played drums on that piece. I would imagine a session drummer played. The timing is rock solid and I am curious who this person is and what other works this person has performed on.

Who plays drums on "Gonna Fly Now", the original Rocky motion picture soundtrack as heard in the film?shows

Steve Schaeffer gets the credit on the Rocky II soundtrack that used the original music track and dubbed in a vocal by a childrens choir. I can't find a credit for the Original Soundtrack, but one can assume. that because it was done by the same composer and same production team as Rocky I that the drummer may be the same.

Who plays habbohotel USA?

Habbohotel is a virtual chatting game. I play habbohotel USA. My name is jamesblunt01 F/r me if u play it

Who plays habbohotel USA?concert venue

i used 2 but firefox blocks it now i will try n check in kay

Who plays habbohotel USA?events opera theater

I used to but got annoyed, because when ppl ask asl it blocks when I put 24 f uk. And it had little annoying ppl on it.
can i have ur pass who ever doesnt want their page email me

ITunes plays only one song at a time?

When I press the right or left arrow, the song will stop instead of playing the next song. And when I let the song play to the end, it just stops even though I have the playlist on repeat. Help?

ITunes plays only one song at a time?performing shows

i'm pretty sure you have to have a check mark next to the ones you want to play next

Power Plays?

Can someone please explain this new power play thing in 50 over cricket.. How does it benefit the team that has a Power Play?

Power Plays?mr messed up

Power Play has been around for quite a while now to make cricket a bit more interesting.

Earlier, Field Restrictions used to be for the first 15 overs. During those 15 overs, only 2 players are allowed to field outside the circle.

But now, this field restriction rule is innovated a bit. Instead of 15 overs, the restriction is for 20 overs. But the interesting part is, it's not the first 20 overs.

Restriction for the first 10 overs is still a MUST. The next 10 can be broken down into 5 each. These 5 overs, with the field restriction, can be bowled anytime during the innings. The bowling Captain has the right to decide when he wants to bowl those pairs of 5 overs.

Most captains use these pair of 5 overs all at once, making it 20 overs in a row for field restriction.

The reason why this Rule was imposed was to make cricket little less boring. Because during mid innings, between 20 to 40 overs, the innings slows down considerably. With this rule, the batsmen can have a chance of attacking if the field restrictions (or POWER PLAY) are imposed during those dead overs.

Regarding the benefit to team: It only benefits the batting team, because they have the chance to score more boundaries. The job of the bowling captain is to use it effectively, and not allow too many runs during those overs. That's one of the reasons why bowling team prefers bowling 20 overs in one go (they don't want to keep those overs till the end with the slog overs when the batsmen go all out for hitting/slogging.). One more reason is, they can take more wickets early on in the innings if the POWER PLAYS are used early (so that the batsmen try to hit and lose their wickets).

The 2 pairs of 5 overs are usually referred as POWER PLAY (power play 1 %26amp; power play 2).

Hope, that makes it clear.

Power Plays?getting late opera theater


previously the bowling team had to bowl the initial 15 overs with maximum 2 men out of the circle

the powerplays state that now for the first 10 overs maximum 2 players can stay outside the circle and then the fielding team's captain can decide when to take the two powerplays of 5 overs each where in again only 2 players can be outside the circle. the benefit is that if there are too0 many runs scored in the first 10 overs the captain can opt for not taking the power play and aftera wicket falls or the run rate in undercontrol then he can take the powerplay but both the powerplay has to be taken with the 50 overs

Extreme seems to have answered the answer fully.
I say get rid of the power plays - just like the super-sub thing!! Waste of time!! Plus it's only to the benefit of the batters - the bowlers get flayed for 5 extra overs compared to the previous way!

Who plays guild wars nightfall?

i want to play guild wars nightfall but do i have to buy the cds or download it from the site. and plz if u play leave your name in guild wars thank u

Who plays guild wars nightfall?tickets

You have to buy the cds so you can get the codes for your account. But once you have bought game it is free.

Who plays USTA tennis out there?

I play USTA tennis for G14 and G12. I play for Wisconsin, Midwest, and nationals. I wish to become a pro.

Who plays USTA tennis out there?comedy club

I do. I play USTA 3.5/4.0 doubles, mix doubles, and singles. I just love to play :)

Who plays USTA tennis out there?sheet music opera theater

Thats nice I also play tennis, but for Ohio im B14s but i kinda suck right now because I always lose my first match. im playing National doubles in Dayton this weekend!!!! My names Frank Kuo in case you want to see how bad i am =)
Playing in the 14s is a good move, and I would even suggest playing in a few 18 tourneys if you are interested in turning pro. Beating girls in your natural age group won't help your game much. Best wishes from someone who never quite made it.
I play in the New Jersey state USTA tennis category. I play 12 and 14. I just started 14 so my rank is low but I have got a nice rank in 12. USTA tennis is very fun. I don't understand why they have different ranking systems for like every different state. Good luck becoming a pro. Some advice, play team tennis. Great experience and a chance to move to Nationlas and got to Arizona. My team made it to Sectionals, the round before Nationals this year, but then lost by 2 points!!! 2 tiny points!!! ARRRGGGGHHHHH
I play USTA 4.0 in So. Cal and AZ
i play Boys 16's Southwest
I play B16s in Florida, but there are thousands... yes thousands of players ranked in the state, so it is quite difficult to get an exceptional ranking. But i don't play too many tournaments anymore because it's soccer season in high school and i'm going to be a professional soccer player

DVD plays, but audio and sometimes Visuals skip?

I have a Combo drive and DVDs used to play fine but now the Audio and sometimes the Visuals also skip.. i tried playing them on Windows Player %26amp; Power DVD......... it happens with both!

What can be wrong?

DVD plays, but audio and sometimes Visuals skip?concerts

First you should see if your DVD are scratched or dirty. It is amazing how much difference just cleaning a DVD can make. You also might want to get a cleaning kit for your DVD player.

If your DVD look scratched, and the scratches are in a circular pattern, you need to replace your DVD player. Something in it is scratching your DVDs. If your DVD are getting scratched up from just normal use, you might look into DVD protectors. They are these clear plastic (almost like saran wrap) covers that go over your DVDs. You can play your DVDs with them on, allowing them to get scratched instead of you DVDs. You can find them at Wal-Mart.

DVD plays, but audio and sometimes Visuals skip?headache opera theater

you need to clean the DVD player - buy a DVD cleaning disk for c锟?0. Its a disk with tiny brushes that clean the reading mechanism of your DVD player.

Microphone plays in only one speaker?

I have a new HP computer running Windows Vista. I just bought a new sony microphone for recording on my computer but the sound will only play out of one speaker. Ive tried several different mics and they all do the same thing...record and play out of only one speaker. I have spent hours on the net looking for the answer to this seemly simple problem yet no one really has the correct answer. can someone please help me! Its driving me crazy!

Microphone plays in only one speaker?playhouse

You may have the wrong microphone adapter (mono, left only) or your microphone port is defective. Your mini-plug should have three segments for stereo, two if it is mono or only one channel.

Check you Volume Settings to make sure the balance has not shifted to one side.

Microphone plays in only one speaker?plays opera theater

AM-NM centaur's answer is very good.

Also make sure the plug is firmly pushed in, stereo turns to mono if only half inserted
check the BALANCE volume settings

When a girl plays football and totally whipes out with her guy friends in the grass...l?

okay i tripped and now i look like ive been in an car accident! wtf is up with the guys i played fb with! they are all like oh did you break a nail! argh! i like to dress girly but playing sports is uber fun! and fb is easier to do where i live than baseball. plus whoppiong the guys is hilarious! especially when your wearing heels! BAM! lol anywho, whats up with dudes and the whole girls cant play thing?!

When a girl plays football and totally whipes out with her guy friends in the grass...l?classical music

some of us just have some sort of complex about that. i think it has something to to with their relationships with there mothers. yes playing sports is uber fun. i love the word uber!!!

ur uber cool. give em hell out there girl!!!

When a girl plays football and totally whipes out with her guy friends in the grass...l?ms stress opera theater

I wish more women were like you...:)
your cool
They're just stupid, seriously... they'd be jealous/embarassed/ashamed if you outdid them in any physical activity, because they're naturally stronger. But strength isn't always what sports are about, so somebody needs to put those guys in their place!
yeah I wouldn't say that but you probably wouldn't want to play football with the guys I play with.
shut up barbie.
I'm a guy and I think girls can be just as good as boys even though boys gain muscle easier than girls. guys feel like they have to be the best at everything and being beat by a girl is like saying they are losers. But girls are less competitive and see that its only a game. Guys feel like the game depends on their life and they'll die if they lose. If you think about it guys can be more emotional as girls.
i remember when i played with a girl and she was one of the hardest hitters on the team...then she quit cause it wasnt "lady like"....
