Thursday, December 10, 2009

My 2 year old never plays on her own can any one help?

she has a one year old sister but will only play if me or my husband are playing with her. she has lots of toys and books and games, but always has to have an adult involved. if we dont play she just wines all the time her sister is quite happy to play alone why is this. can anyone help please.

My 2 year old never plays on her own can any one help?opera sheet music

Your two year old is just a baby herself. There is not much difference in their ages, so she needs to have your attention, she is feeling a bit insecure. Dont worry about it just be patient with her and she will eventually play on her own.

My 2 year old never plays on her own can any one help?shows opera theater

Maybe she sees her sister as having more attention right now. Could it be that she's seeking more attention herself?
could be she is feeling left out as the younger one takes your time, say that she has her time art and crafts work that way you can leave her from time to time but keep her in the same room as you hope this helps
I wouldn't worry, all children are different, and do different things. This one may have a different personality to her older sibling and might not like the same play scenarios.

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